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記者:IPRdaily國際部 李夢

受訪人:新加坡知識產權局局長/知識產權學院董事會主席   鄧鴻森 



Thank you for this opportunity to interview you! Before starting our interview, please tell us more about yourself and what makes you interested in intellectual property.





Daren TANG: Before I was posted to the IP office, I was an international lawyer for more than a decade. My area of focus was on free trade agreements and I negotiated our FTAs with the US and the EU, as well as various ASEAN trade and investment agreements. The work was complex and challenging, but exciting and mind-broadening. I learned how different regions or countries faced common issues but had different approaches to them, so it was important to build bridges to allow for ideas to be exchanged and common challenges to be worked on together.

I moved from this world to the IP office because I was looking to broaden my capabilities. Lawyering is deeply technical and I wanted to try something which was broader in scope. I was therefore posted to the IP office as the Deputy Chief Executive, which would allow me to get involved in policy-making and to help run the office.

After I joined the office, I was struck by several things about the IP world. First, it is an extremely dynamic environment, where there is a constant injection of new ideas, be it technology, brands or content. Second, people in the IP community tend to be international, because they work for companies or organisations which have global operations or activities. Third, it is generally a happy and excited community, which I think comes from the fact that inventing or creating something, or being involved in promoting it, is a very satisfying path.

I also have a personal connection with IP because of my past experience as an amateur musician, playing piano in a jazz quartet. I did not pursue that as a career but it allowed me to understand what it is like to be a creator, and to have an emotional connection to my work.

IPRdaily:單在亞洲來說,新加坡的知識產權保護程度可以說非常高,也曾被稱為全球最佳知識產權保護國家,那么近些年來新加坡知識產權局在 IP 方面的工作思路是什么樣的?

Singapore is often ranked top in Asia for having the best IP protection. Can you share some of the work IPOS does to maintain this reputation?





隨著這些措施的落實到位,過去兩年中,我們非常積極地進行了立法改革。例如,新加坡國會最近通過了專利和注冊外觀設計法修正案,其中一個新修正提出擴大專利寬限期 【1】,這就是利益相關者參與的結果。通過這項新的修正案,發(fā)明者在申請專利之前就能披露其發(fā)明的相關信息,用于戰(zhàn)略和商業(yè)目的(例如,聯(lián)系投資人、評估市場需求)。我們對注冊外觀設計寬限期也做了類似修正。

目前,我們正在對版權制度進行三十年來的首次重大審查,以確保其與數字時代的市場變化、技術進步及其相應挑戰(zhàn)保持同步。去年八月,我們首次啟動了公開民意征詢;并且上文提出的立法修訂可能將在 2018 年生效。



Daren TANG: In Singapore, just like in China, we see IP as an important tool for economic and social development. It is our job to ensure that the IP regime supports innovative companies and has a positive impact on the lives of our people.

Although our IP regime is well regarded by stakeholders, we still conduct regular review and updates to ensure that our IP laws are progressive and relevant.

To do this well, and have a genuine impact, stakeholder engagement is crucial. IPOS sees itself not just as an IP registry but an innovation agency, so we have a wide range of stakeholders, including those in the R&D community, IP professionals, businesses, financiers, creators and entrepreneurs. We also engage extensively with foreign stakeholders and partners, to get a better read of developments around the world.

Another practice we can share is the use of data to drive policy-decisions, which is also increasingly the practice at other IP offices. This allows us to better gauge the impact of our proposals and enrich our decision-making processes.

With these in place, we have been extremely active in the area of legislative reform in the past two years. For example, the Singapore parliament recently passed amendments to our patent and registered designs laws where one of the new amendments, proposed as a result of our stakeholders’ engagements, was the broadening of our patent grace period 【1】 . This allows inventors to disclose information of their inventions for strategic and business purposes (e.g. attract investors, assess market demand) even before they file a patent. A similar amendment was also made for our registered designs grace period.

We are currently embarking on the first major review of our copyright regime in 30 years to ensure it remains relevant in light of market changes, technological advances in the digital age and its accompanying challenges. We launched our first public consultation in August last year and the proposed legislative changes are likely to come into force in 2018.

On top of this, we are also looking into amendments to build an IP dispute resolution system that will better serve the needs of SMEs and entrepreneurs, by building a more streamlined and cost-effective mechanism.

So, the amendments we are putting in place will touch upon all parts of the IP life-cycle, from creation to registration to enforcement.


What new developments can we see in the future for the IPOS?

鄧鴻森先生:今年早些時候,新加坡未來經濟委員會(CFE)建議我們提高企業(yè)創(chuàng)新和全球化的能力(以及其他戰(zhàn)略)。 CFE 是高級別的國家委員會,它負責新加坡的經濟轉型。



IP ValueLab(IPVL)也是新加坡知識產權局的另一家子公司,它為企業(yè)提供有關知識產權戰(zhàn)略和管理的定制化協(xié)助,支持企業(yè)的商業(yè)運作和增長計劃,讓企業(yè)可以將他 們 的 想 法 帶 入 市 場 。 IPVL 剛 剛 啟 動 新 的 自 助 企 業(yè) 門 戶 網 站(www.ipvaluelab.com.sg ),創(chuàng)新人士和企業(yè)可以在該網站上使用知識產權創(chuàng)業(yè)指導資源庫和診斷工具包。


Daren TANG: Earlier this year, the Singapore Committee on the Future Economy (CFE), a high-level national committee whose mandate is to transform the Singapore’s economy, recommended (among other strategies) that we strengthen the ability of our enterprises to innovate and globalise.

To support this important effort, IPOS has evolved from a registry and regulator, to an innovation agency driving IP commercialisation for Singapore’s future growth.In April this year, we announced updates to our IP Hub Master Plan with the aim of growing more IP jobs, expanding our IP talent pool, and facilitating enterprise growth through IP. To this end, we will continue to form strategic collaborations with local and international partners who are aligned with our vision.

For example, IPOS and our subsidiary, IP Academy (IPA), have partnered local university, Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS), to launch a new skills-based IP and innovation management graduate programme to grow a pool of industry-ready IP professionals to help enterprises manage their IP assets.

Another subsidiary, IP ValueLab (IPVL), will provide enterprises with customised assistance on IP strategy and management to support their commercialisation and growth plans so that they can take their ideas into the markets. IPVL has just launched a new self-help business portal (www.ipvaluelab.com.sg) where innovators and enterprises can access a repository of IP business guides and diagnostic toolkits.

We will continue to evolve ourselves, by enhancing our services and working with strategic partners, to service the flow of ideas and innovation through Singapore and support the entrepreneurs and enterprises which are creating value for our economy and society.

IPRdaily:近期,我們了解到新加坡知識產權局與 Makara Capital 聯(lián)合啟動的這項價值 10 億新加坡幣的創(chuàng)新基金。請簡要介紹下該資金。那么是什么樣的契機使新加坡知識產權局和 Makara Capital 進行合作的呢?成立這個創(chuàng)新基金的主要目的是什么呢?

IPOS recently launched a S$1 billion Innovation Fund with Makara Capital to help innovative companies develop their businesses and expand overseas. Could you share more about the fund with us? Why did IPOS decide to cooperate with Makara Capital?

鄧鴻森先生:我們致力于與戰(zhàn)略伙伴合作,幫助企業(yè)將知識產權變?yōu)橘Y產,將企業(yè)與相關網絡和專長聯(lián)系起來,讓它們通過知識產權增長擴大。而私募公司 Makara Capital 和新加坡知識產權局子公司 IP ValueLab 的合作正是這項工作的一部分。

Makara 創(chuàng)新基金(MIF)是世界上少數以創(chuàng)新為主題的基金之一。它將分別向 10到 15 個中小型創(chuàng)新企業(yè)投資 3000 萬到 1.5 億新加坡幣——這些企業(yè)可以位于世界任何地方,包括新加坡——使用經過驗證的知識產權或全球競爭性技術,幫助他們通過新加坡或從新加坡實現(xiàn)增長。相關行業(yè)包括:都市解決方案(例如,物流、安保、廢棄物管理)、高級技術(例如,AI,大數據、網絡安全、納米技術)、金融科技、替代能源、醫(yī)療保健和生物醫(yī)學。


Daren TANG: The co-operation with private equity firm, Makara Capital and IPOS’ subsidiary, IP ValueLab is part of our efforts to work with strategic partners to help enterprises translate their IP into assets, and connect them with relevant networks and expertise for growth and expansion through IP.

The Makara Innovation Fund (MIF) is one of the few funds in the world with an innovation theme. It will invest S$30 to S$150 million across 10 to 15 small to mid-cap innovative enterprises – from anywhere in the world, including Singapore – with proven and defensible IPs or globally competitive technologies and grow them either from or through Singapore. Sectors of interest include: urban solutions (e.g. logistics, security, waste management), advanced technologies, (e.g. AI, big data,cybersecurity, nanotech), fin-tech, alternative energy, healthcare, and bio-med.

At  the broader  level, we  wanted  to co-operate  with  private equity  because we wanted to enrich  the range of growth  capital and financing options  for innovative companies. We  also  wanted to  tap on  the  expertise and  experience of  private equity players in assessing and helping companies grow, which is key to our focus on IP commercialisation in the next phase of our growth as an IP hub.


We can see that Singapore is paying a lot more attention to innovation. What is the current innovation  scene in Singapore? Other  than the Makara Innovation  Fund, what  other  initiatives   is  IPOS  launching   to  stimulate  innovative  activities   in Singapore?

鄧鴻森先生:對于新加坡而言,構建創(chuàng)意驅動型、創(chuàng)新密集型經濟至關重要。去年,新加坡政府啟動了第六個五年研發(fā)計劃——2020 年研究、創(chuàng)新和企業(yè)(RIE)計劃,價值高達190 億美元,進一步實現(xiàn)研發(fā)價值。我們的努力讓我們在全球創(chuàng)新排行榜上名列前茅,例如,全球創(chuàng)新指數(GII)和彭博創(chuàng)新指數(BII)【2】.


新加坡知識產權局從一開始就確定了與 SG-Innovate 的伙伴關系,我們在 SG-Innovate 配置知識產權專家?guī)椭萍济芗推髽I(yè)將創(chuàng)新技術從研發(fā)轉變成產品和服務。為幫助地方企業(yè)配備知識產權專有知識和管理知識,我們與新加坡工商聯(lián)合總會(SBF)——新加坡最大的商業(yè)協(xié)會合作,幫助其成員使用新加坡知識產權局的知識產權配套服務,例如,知識產權培訓和學習以及提供知識產權管理和戰(zhàn)略相關咨詢。


Daren TANG: Building an ideas-driven and innovation-intensive economy is crucial for Singapore. Last year,  our sixth five-year  R&D plan –   a $19 billion Research, Innovation and Enterprise (RIE) 2020 to capture more value from  our  R&D.  Our  efforts  have  positioned  us  favorably  in  global  innovation rankings such as the Global Innovation Index (GII)  and the Bloomberg Innovation Index (BII) . 【2】

Moving forward, our focus is to convert the R&D outcomes into marketable IP assets which businesses can monetise and commercialise. Revenue streams from these IP assets can then be reinvested for new ideas and R&D.

For a start, IPOS has established a founding partnership with SG-Innovate where we deploy IP experts to help deep-tech start-ups translate innovative technologies from R&D into products and services. To equip our local businesses with IP know-how and management expertise, we partnered the Singapore Business Federation (SBF), Singapore’s  largest  business association,  to help  their members  access IPOS’ suite of IP services such as IP training and education, as well as advisory in IP management and strategy.

To encourage  domestic innovation  and support  our innovators,  we  lowered our filing fees in April this year so  that obtaining IP protection is now cheaper upfront. Likewise,  to  discourage IP  hoarding  which  stifles  innovation,  we adjusted  the renewal fees upwards so that IP owners are encouraged to release IPs which they no longer need.


How  can   businesses  seek  protection   of  their   intellectual  property  rights   in Singapore?

鄧鴻森先生:我 們 加 強 了 知 識 產 權 申 請 流 程 , 申 請 人 通 過 電 子 申 請 門 戶 — — IP2SG(https://www.ip2.sg)進行知識產權備案,能讓備案變得更為輕松愜意。該門戶網站有多個自助工具和功能,方便用戶進行知識產權申請。例如,我們?yōu)樯虡松暾堃肓水a品和/或服務的預先核準數據庫描述。這樣,申請人就不會遇到任何說明書異議問題,節(jié)省了不必要的修改描述相關費用,享受到快捷的商標注冊流程。該門戶網站還提供在線視頻教程,為申請人提供指導。如果申請人希望當面提出申請,我們也設置了一個客戶服務中心 IP101。該中心位于交通便利的城市中心,申請人可在那里就其知識產權備案需求和咨詢獲得個性化的協(xié)助。

Daren TANG: We have  enhanced our IP filing processes to fuss-free for applicants through an  e-filing portal - IP2SG https://www.ip2.sg. The portal has several self-help tools and features to make IP applications  user-friendly. For example, we introduced a pre-approved database descriptions of goods and/or services for trademark applications. With this, applicants will not face any specification objections, save on unnecessary fees to amend the descriptions and enjoy an expeditious trade mark  registration process. There are also online video tutorials to guide applicants along. For applicants who prefer to meet face-to-face, we have a customer service center, IP101, conveniently located in the  city center, where applicants can  receive personalised assistance  for their IP  filing needs or queries.

IPRdaily:2014 年中新兩國政府間簽署了知識產權領域合作諒解備忘錄,旨在加強中新兩國間的知識產權合作。那么近些年,中新兩國之間的主要合作方向是什么?取得了什么進展?

China  and   Singapore   signed  a   Memorandum  of   Understanding   (MOU)  to cooperate in the area of intellectual property back in 2014. Can you share some of the areas of cooperation major achievement in these few years?

鄧鴻森先生:新加坡和中國在第 13 屆雙邊合作聯(lián)委會(JCBC )上再次重申了他們的承諾和強烈的合作精神,并且中國國家知識產權局(SIPO)、新加坡知識產權局(IPOS)和廣東省政府在 2017 年 2 月簽署了三邊諒解備忘錄。該備忘錄將利用中新廣州知識城(SSGKC)作為知識產權改革試驗區(qū),聯(lián)系尋求國際發(fā)展的創(chuàng)新型中企業(yè)和新加坡公司,伴隨一帶一路的舉措擴張和成長。

自 2014 年簽訂首個備忘錄以來,SSGKC 迅速發(fā)展。SSGKC 已經被選為中國三大知識產權法庭之一所在地以及 SIPO 衛(wèi)星專利審查中心所在地。2016 年 7 月,中國國務院還批準了 SSGKC 進行知識產權運用和保護綜合改革試驗。

此外,我們也注意到,在過去幾年,新加坡和中國之間的專利申請數量明顯增加。例如,與 2012 年相比,2015 年中國申請人向新加坡申請專利的數量增加了 87%。同年相比,2015 年新加坡申請人向中國申請專利的數量比 2012 年增加了 44%。

Daren TANG: Singapore and China re-affirmed their commitment and strong cooperative spirit at the 13th Joint Council  for Bilateral  Cooperation (JCBC) with  the signing  of a  trilateral MOU between the State Intellectual  Property Office (SIPO), IPOS, and the Guangdong Provincial Government in February 2017. The  MOU  will leverage on the Sino-Singapore Guangzhou  Knowledge  City (SSGKC) as an IP reform pilot zone and connect innovative Chinese enterprises looking to internationalise with Singapore companies,  to expand and  grow along the Belt and Road initiative.

The SSGKC has seen rapid  developments since the  signing of the first MOU in 2014. SSGKC was chosen as the location for one of China’s three IP courts as well as the location  for a  SIPO  satellite patent  examination centre. The PRC State Council also approved the SSGKC to pilot an IP Application and Protection Reform.

Additionally,  we also noted that the number of  patent applications between Singapore and China has increased significantly in the last few years. For instance, patent fillings from Chinese applicants to Singapore have increased 87% in 2015, as compared to 2012. In the same year to year comparison, patent fillings to China from Singapore applicants in 2015 jumped 44% from 2012.

IPRdaily:2015 年的時候新加坡知識產權局在中國廣州設立了知識產權代表辦公室,那么在別的國家也有成立辦公室么?目前通過在廣州的代表辦公室,有什么主要成果請簡單介紹。

Singapore set  up the first  overseas IP office in  Guangzhou, China in  2015. Can you share how the China Representative Office is helping Chinese and Singapore companies innovate and internationalise?




新加坡知識產權局中國代表處廣州辦公室還將與相關地方當局合作,幫助希望在SSGKC 創(chuàng)辦企業(yè)的新加坡企業(yè),并作為他們未來進軍中國的出發(fā)點。

Daren TANG: The IPOS IP representative office will connect innovative Chinese enterprises with Singapore’s IP expertise and extensive IP networks to access global and regional markets. This  way, Chinese  enterprises can use  Singapore as  a springboard to seamlessly bring their innovative technologies and IP assets to global markets.

For example, the  representative office will  link up Chinese enterprises  which are keen to venture  to Southeast Asia with quality  IP partners and services. This  will enable Chinese firms to develop a good understanding of their destination markets and tailor an appropriate IP and business strategy.

Chinese firms can  also  leverage on Singapore’s   strong  IP  regime   and  IP cooperation agreements (e.g. ASPEC, GPPH ) 【3】to obtain IP protection speedily and foray into Southeast Asian markets confidently.

Similarly, the representative office will work with the relevant local authorities to help Singapore enterprises that are looking to set up a presence in SSGKC and as a springboard for future ventures into China.

IPRdaily:當選 WIPO 的版權委員會的主席,對您自己和對整個新加坡的知識產權局面,有什么樣的意義?可否跟我們分享下出任主席后您的領導理念和工作計劃。

Congratulations  on being  elected  as  the Chairperson  of  the  World Intellectual Property  Organisation’s Standing  Committee  on  Copyright and  Related  Rights (SCCR).  What  does  this  mean  for  IPOS?   Could  you  share  your  leadership philosophy and the work plan as the Chairperson?

鄧鴻森先生:我很榮幸能擔任主席一職,我將始終懷著謙卑之心支持 SCCR 的工作。在當今這個數據密集化、內容驅動的數字經濟時代,版權起著至關重要的作用。我們希望和WIPO 成員國一起,為全球經濟共同開發(fā)一個充滿活力的版權系統(tǒng),促進創(chuàng)新,推動經濟發(fā)展。

五月剛召開了 WIPO SCCR 的第 34 屆會議,我們當前的重點是審查廣播組織的國際保護。我們還在研究教育活動、圖書館和檔案室以及殘疾人版權保護的限制條件和例外情況。

作為主席,我的主要職責是管理 SCCR 復雜而具有挑戰(zhàn)性的談判動態(tài)。我希望借助自己作為國際談判專家和知識產權局局長的寶貴經驗,尋找共同點,在多個論題的不同觀點之間為新加坡架起溝通的橋梁。

Daren TANG: I am humbled and honoured to be supporting the SCCR’s work as its Chairperson. Copyright serves a crucial function in today’s data-intensive, content-driven digital economy. Together with the WIPO member states, we would like to develop a vibrant and robust copyright  system for the global economy that fosters creativity and drives economic growth.

The 34th session of the WIPO SCCR  was recently held in May, and our current focus is  on reviewing the  international protection for  broadcasting organisations.

We are also looking at limitations and exceptions in copyright protection for educational activities, libraries and archives, and people with disabilities.

As the Chair, my main role is to manage the complex and challenging negotiating dynamics of the SCCR. I hope to tap on my  experience as an international negotiator as well as the  head  of the IP office to find common areas,  and for Singapore to  serve as a  bridge between the different perspectives  on the many topics being discussed.

IPRdaily: 您對未來中新的知識產權局面,有什么樣的期待?

What do you think of the current IP cooperation arrangements between China and Singapore? What other plans can we expect China and Singapore to embark on in the future?





Daren TANG: Exciting times lie ahead for both countries. China and Singapore have embraced innovation as a way to drive economic growth. Asian enterprises are becoming more sophisticated,   and  are   increasingly inventing or creating  their own innovations  and  creative  works. Hence,  it  is  vital  to  forge  an ecosystem  that supports  sustainable  innovations  and  vibrant  commercialization  of  IP  assets.

Singapore will work closely with China to broaden our IP cooperation and help our enterprises monetize their innovations and grow internationally along the Belt and Road through IP.

Our training arm, IP Academy Singapore (IPA),   has established several partnerships with top Chinese institutions. For example, we have MOUs with Jinan University and Renmin University. We also had the pleasure of senior IP directors from established Chinese organizations such as Baidu, Qihoo,  Xiaomi,  ZTE, Renmin University, and Peking University, to speak at our IP seminars.

In the last week of August, IPOS will be collaborating with SIPO to organise a Belt and Road IP  conference  in Singapore,  as  part of  the  annual  IP Week @ SG conference that IPOS organises. We hope to see more participants and  speakers from China.

As IP and innovation increasingly take the centre-stage to drive economic growth, we look forward  to  fostering  deeper ties  with  China  to build  up  IP  manpower capabilities.


As the chairman of the IP Academy Singapore, What is your plan and expectation of the future development of IP Academy Singapore?


IPA 通過高管人士和研究生證書課程、碩士學位課程及網絡學習課程為當地和國際學生及專業(yè)人士提供系統(tǒng)化的知識產權培訓。


在區(qū)域合作方面,我們與世界知識產權組織(WIPO)、暨南大學、中新廣州知識城(SSGKC)、斯特拉斯堡大學(國際知識產權研究中心)以及迪拜經濟發(fā)展部達成了諒解備忘錄,為他們提供定制化的知識產權培訓課程和項目。就在上周,我還與人民大學的劉春田教授簽訂了一份諒解備忘錄,進一步加強了 IPA、IPOS 和人民大學之間的聯(lián)系。

IPA 將繼續(xù)攜手國內外組織培訓知識產權專業(yè)人士,通過我們的培訓項目構建一個由知識產權專業(yè)人士組成的知識產權網絡,建立有益的關系網,深化我們與中國的合作。

Daren TANG: IP Academy Singapore (IPA), the education and training arm of IPOS, aims to be the leading centre for excellence in IP education, and to grow a vibrant network of skilled IP professionals and users through quality education. IPA provides  IP  training for  local  and  international students  and professionals, through executive and post-graduate certifications, Master’s degree programmes and e-learning.

We offer various  IP courses and programmes to  imbue relevant IP knowledge to lawyers, researchers, engineers, businesses as well as public officers.

At the regional level,  we have MOUs with the World Intellectual Property Organisation  (WIPO), Jinan  University,  Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City (SSGKC),  University of Strasbourg  (Centre  for International  Intellectual Property  Studies)  and Dubai’s  Department  Economic  Development  to  provide customised IP training courses and programmes. Just last week, I signed an MOU with Professor Liu Chuntian of Renmin University to further strengthen the ties between IPA, IPOS and Renmin University.

IPA will continue to work with international and domestic organisations to train IP professionals, build useful networks and to deepen our collaboration with China by creating a network of IP professionals through our training programmes.


Thank you very much for your precious time!


Daren TANG: Thank you!


【1】如果發(fā)明者從專利申請日前起 12 個月內公開披露其發(fā)明,此等披露可被忽視;

【2】2016 GII 創(chuàng)新指數中,新加坡在全球排名第六,亞洲排名第一。2017 年 BII 創(chuàng)新指數中,新加坡排名第六;



記者:IPRdaily 李夢

編輯:IPRdaily 趙珍  /   校對:IPRdaily   縱橫君





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本文來自于iprdaily,永久保存地址為http://jupyterflow.com/article_16518.html,發(fā)布時間為2017-06-14 08:36:20


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