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作者:肖振春 知識產(chǎn)權(quán)理想國


據(jù)路透社報(bào)道,美東時(shí)間3月2日,美國得克薩斯州的聯(lián)邦陪審團(tuán)作出裁決,因侵犯了他人半導(dǎo)體制造專利權(quán),英特爾(INTC.US)需向VLSI Technology LLC賠償21.75億美元(約合人民幣140.73億元),這也成為了美國歷史上規(guī)模最大的專利侵權(quán)賠償案之一。對此,英特爾表示將進(jìn)行上訴。

英特爾于2021年1月22日發(fā)布2020年財(cái)報(bào),2020年總營收779億美元,凈利潤209億美元。一個(gè)月后,德克薩斯州西區(qū)聯(lián)邦地區(qū)法院(U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas (WDTX))的陪審團(tuán)裁定英特爾因?qū)@謾?quán)需賠償VLSI合計(jì)21.75億美元,占其2020年凈利潤的約十分之一。




VLSI Technology LLC v. Intel



In October 2017, VLSI Technology LLC (VLSI) filed a complaint against Intel in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California alleging infringement of eight patents acquired from NXP Semiconductors, N.V. (NXP). The patents, which originated at Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. and NXP B.V., are U.S. Patent Nos. 7,268,588; 7,675,806; 7,706,207; 7,709,303; 8,004,922; 8,020,014; 8,268,672; and 8,566,836. VLSI accuses various FPGA and processor products of infringement.

2017年10月,VLSI Technology LLC(VLSI)向美國加利福尼亞州北區(qū)地區(qū)法院提起訴訟,指控英特爾侵犯了其從NXP Semiconductors(NXP,恩智浦半導(dǎo)體)獲得的八項(xiàng)專利。這八件源自Freescale Semiconductor(飛思卡爾半導(dǎo)體),Inc.和NXPB.V.的專利是美國專利號7,268,588;7,675,806;7,706,207;7,709,303;8,004,922;8,020,014;8,268,672和8,566,836。VLSI指控各種FPGA和處理器產(chǎn)品侵權(quán)。

VLSI estimated its damages to be as high as $7.1 billion, and its complaint further sought enhanced damages, future royalties, attorneys' fees, costs, and interest. In May, June, September, and October 2018, Intel filed IPR petitions challenging the patentability of claims in all eight of the patents in-suit.

VLSI估計(jì)其損失高達(dá)71億美元,并且其訴訟進(jìn)一步尋求增加損害賠償,未來特許權(quán)使用費(fèi),律師費(fèi),成本和利息。在2018年5月,6月,9月和10月,英特爾提交了多方復(fù)審(Inter Partes Review,IPR)請?jiān)笗?,對涉案的這8項(xiàng)專利的權(quán)利要求可專利性進(jìn)行了挑戰(zhàn)。

The PTAB instituted review of six patents and denied institution on two patents. As a result of the institution decisions, the parties stipulated to stay the District Court action in March 2019. In December 2019 and February 2020, the PTAB found all claims of the '588 and '303 patents, and some claims of the '922 patent, to be unpatentable.


The PTAB found the challenged claims of the '014, '672 and '207 patents to be patentable. Intel moved for a continuation of the stay in March 2020 as it appealed certain rulings by the PTAB. In June 2020, the District Court issued an order continuing the stay through August 2021 and setting trial for December 2022.


In June 2018, VLSI filed a second suit against Intel, in U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware, alleging infringement by various Intel processors of five additional patents acquired from NXP: U.S. Patent Nos. 6,212,663; 7,246,027; 7,247,552; 7,523,331; and 8,081,026. VLSI accused Intel of willful infringement and seeks an injunction or, in the alternative, ongoing royalties, enhanced damages, attorneys' fees and costs, and interest.


In March 2019, the District Court dismissed VLSI's claims for willful infringement as to all the patents-in-suit except the '027 patent, and also dismissed VLSI's allegations of indirect infringement as to the '633, '331, and '026 patents. In June 2019, Intel filed IPR petitions challenging the patentability of claims in all five patents-in-suit. In January 2020, the District Court vacated the November 2020 trial date based on agreement of the parties; no trial date is currently set.


In January and February 2020, the PTAB instituted review of the '552, '633, '331 and '026 patents and as a result, Intel moved for stay of the District Court proceedings. In May 2020, the District Court stayed the case as to the '026 and '552 patents but allowed the case to proceed on the '027 and '331 patents. For these two patents, VLSI is seeking damages of approximately $4.13 billion plus enhanced damages for the '027 patent. VLSI is no longer asserting claims from the '633 patent.


In March 2019, VLSI filed a third suit against Intel, also in U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware, alleging infringement of six more patents acquired from NXP: U.S. Patent Nos. 6,366,522; 6,663,187; 7,292,485; 7,606,983; 7,725,759; and 7,793,025.


In April 2019, VLSI voluntarily dismissed this Delaware case without prejudice. In April 2019, VLSI filed three new infringement suits against Intel in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas (WDTX) accusing various Intel processors of infringement. The three suits collectively assert the same six patents from the voluntarily dismissed Delaware case plus two additional patents acquired from NXP, U.S. Patent Nos. 7,523,373 and 8,156,357. VLSI accuses Intel of willful infringement and seeks an injunction or, in the alternative, ongoing royalties, enhanced damages, attorneys' fees and costs, and interest. Specifically, VLSI is seeking damages of approximately $11 billion collectively in the Texas cases, plus enhanced damages for alleged willful infringement.


In the first Texas case, VLSI is asserting the '373 and '759 patents.(In December 2020, the court granted Intel summary judgment of non-infringement on the '357 patent.) VLSI seeks approximately $2.5 billion plus enhanced damages for alleged willful infringement in that case. That case was originally scheduled for trial in November 2020, but the court has now moved trial to February 2021.




In October and November 2019 and in February 2020, Intel filed IPR petitions on certain asserted claims across six of the patents-in-suit in WDTX. Between May and October 2020, the PTAB denied all of these requests, and Intel has requested a rehearing, as well as a review from the Precedential Opinion Panel (POP), as to all petitions. All requests for POP review were denied in October and December 2020, and in December 2020 requests for rehearing were denied as to petitions filed on the 373 and 759 patents.

2019年10月、11月和2020年2月,英特爾針對在WDTX起訴的6項(xiàng)專利申請中的某些已主張權(quán)利提出了多方復(fù)審(IPR)請?jiān)笗T?020年5月至2020年10月之間,PTAB拒絕了所有這些請求,英特爾已要求對所有請?jiān)高M(jìn)行聽證,并要求判例意見小組(Precedential Opinion Panel(POP))進(jìn)行審查。所有關(guān)于POP審查的請求都在202


In May 2019, VLSI filed a case in Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court against Intel, Intel (China) Co., Ltd., Intel Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., and Intel Products (Chengdu) Co., Ltd. VLSI asserts Chinese Patent 201410094015.9 accusing certain Intel Core processors of infringement. VLSI requests an injunction as well as RMB 1.3 million in damages.


Defendants filed an invalidation petition in October 2019 with the PRB, but no hearing date has been set. In May 2020, defendants filed a motion to stay the trial court proceedings pending a determination on invalidity. The court has not yet ruled on the motion to stay. The court held the first evidentiary hearing in November 2020.


In May 2019, VLSI filed a second case in Shanghai Intellectual Property Court against Intel (China) Co., Ltd., Intel Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., and Intel Products (Chengdu) Co., Ltd.


VLSI asserts Chinese Patent 201080024173.7. VLSI accuses certain Intel core processors and seeks an injunction. Defendants filed with the PRB an invalidation petition in October 2019. No hearing date has been set.


In June 2020, defendants filed a motion to stay the trial court proceedings pending a determination on invalidity. The court has not yet ruled on the motion to stay. The court held its first evidentiary hearing in September 2020. The Court held a second evidentiary hearing and trial in December 2020 and has not yet issued a ruling.



In November 2019, Intel, along with Apple Inc., filed a complaint against Fortress Investment Group LLC, Fortress Credit Co. LLC, Uniloc 2017 LLC, Uniloc USA, Inc., Uniloc Luxembourg S.A.R.L., VLSI, INVT SPE LLC, Inventergy Global, Inc., DSS Technology Management, Inc., IXI IP, LLC, and Seven Networks, LLC. Plaintiffs allege violations of Section 1 of the Sherman Act by certain defendants, Section 7 of the Clayton Act by certain defendants, and California Business and Professions Code section 17200 by all defendants based on defendants' unlawful aggregation of patents.

2019年11月,英特爾與蘋果公司一起對Fortress Investment Group LLC,F(xiàn)ortress Credit Co. LLC,Uniloc 2017 LLC,Uniloc USA,Inc.,Uniloc Luxembourg SARL,VLSI,INVT SPE LLC,Inventergy Global,Inc.,DSS Technology Management Inc.,IXI IP,LLC和Seven Networks,LLC。原告指控某些被告違反了《謝爾曼法》第1條,某些被告違反了《克萊頓法》第7條,所有被告均基于被告非法聚集專利而違反了《加利福尼亞商業(yè)與職業(yè)守則》第17200條。

In February 2020, defendants moved to dismiss plaintiffs' complaint. In July 2020, the court granted defendants' motion to dismiss with leave to amend. The court dismissed antitrust claims related to two DSS patents with prejudice. The plaintiffs filed an amended complaint in August 2020, and defendants moved to dismiss in September 2020. The court heard defendants' motion to dismiss the amended complaint in December 2020 and granted the motion in January 2021, with leave to further amend.


In June 2020, affiliates controlled by Fortress Investment Group, which also controls VLSI, acquired Finjan Holdings, Inc. Intel had signed a "Settlement, Release and Patent License Agreement" with Finjan in 2012, acquiring a license to the patents of Finjan and its affiliates, current or future, through a capture period of November 20, 2022. The agreement also contains covenants wherein Finjan agrees to cause its affiliates to comply with the agreement. As such, Intel maintains that it now has a license to the patents of VLSI, which has become a Finjan affiliate, and that Finjan must cause VLSI to dismiss its suits against Intel.

2020年6月,同時(shí)控制VLSI的Fortress Investment Group收購了Finjan Holdings,Inc。英特爾于2012年與Finjan簽署了“解決,發(fā)布和專利許可協(xié)議”,獲得了Finjan及其關(guān)聯(lián)公司的當(dāng)前或?qū)淼膶@S可,直到2022年11月20日為止。該協(xié)議還包含F(xiàn)injan同意使其關(guān)聯(lián)企業(yè)遵守該協(xié)議的盟約。因此,英特爾堅(jiān)持認(rèn)為它已獲得VLSI的專利許可,VLSI公司已成為Finjan的關(guān)聯(lián)公司,并且Finjan必須促使VLSI撤銷對Intel的訴訟。

In August 2020, Intel started dispute resolution proceedings under the agreement. As a part of this dispute resolution process, Intel and Finjan held a mediation in December 2020, but failed to resolve their differences. Intel filed suit to enforce its rights under the License Agreement with Finjan in January 2021 in Delaware Chancery Court.


In September 2020, Intel filed motions to stay the Texas, Delaware, and Shanghai matters pending resolution of its dispute with Finjan. In November 2020, Intel filed a motion to stay the Shenzhen matter pending resolution of its dispute with Finjan. In November 2020, the Delaware Court denied Intel's motion to stay. The other stay motions remain pending. Finally, Intel filed a motion to amend its answer in the Texas matters to add a license defense in November 2020. The Court has yet to rule on the motion.


Given the procedural posture and the nature of these cases and that there are significant factual and legal issues to be resolved, we are unable to make a reasonable estimate of the potential loss or range of losses, if any, arising from these matters. We dispute VLSI's claims and intend to vigorously defend against them.



作者:肖振春  知識產(chǎn)權(quán)理想國

編輯:IPRdaily王穎          校對:IPRdaily縱橫君








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本文來自于iprdaily,永久保存地址為http://jupyterflow.com/article_27234.html,發(fā)布時(shí)間為2021-03-08 10:58:24。


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