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華為專利觀察 | Means-Plus-Function兩種截然不同認定以及侵權判定的認定標準

華為專利觀察 | Means-Plus-Function兩種截然不同認定以及侵權判定的認定標準
華為專利觀察 | Means-Plus-Function兩種截然不同認定以及侵權判定的認定標準 文 /王國平 (華為公司知識產權部) 本文系作者向IPRdaily投稿,授權首發(fā),并經IPRdaily編輯,轉載須征得作者同意,并注明文章來源(微信:IPRdaily)。


Means-Plus-Function兩種截然不同認定以及侵權判定的認定標準——Lighting Ballast Control LLC v. Philips Electronics案




2015年6月23日,美國聯邦巡回上訴法院CAFC對Lighting Ballast Control LLC v. Philips Electronics案做出判決:




2、認定“voltage source means……”不適用112, 6th,“control means capable of……”適用112, 6th;






1. An energy conversion device employing an oscillating resonant converter producing oscillations, having DC input terminals producing a control signal and adapted to power at least one gas discharge lamp having heatable filaments, the device comprising:


voltage source means providing a constant or variable magnitude DC voltage between the DC input terminals;


output terminals connected to the filaments of the gas discharge lamp;


control means capable of receiving control signals from the DC input terminals and from the resonant converter, and operable to effectively initiate the oscillations, and to effectively stop the oscillations of the converter; and direct current blocking means coupled to the output terminals and operable to stop flow of the control signal from the DC input terminals, whenever at least one gas discharge lamp is removed from the output terminals or is defective.




一、權利要求1中的“voltage source means……”與“control means……”是否適用美國專利法第112條第6款(35 U.S.C. § 112. 6);


二、如何認定被控侵權產品具有權利要求1中的特征“control means capable of ……”;


三、對于means-plus-function (簡稱:MPF) 權利要求,在侵權判定中如何認定字面侵權以及等同侵權。




一、“voltage source means”與“control means”的認定:


1、voltage source means的認定:


本案中,涉訴專利的實施例中并沒有描述voltage source means是什么東東,原告引用發(fā)明人Mr. Bobel以及專家證人Dr. Victor Roberts的證言(testimony),即引入外部證據(extrinsic evidence)證明:voltage source means corresponds to a rectifier,不適用§ 112.6。地區(qū)法院和CAFC都支持了原告的觀點。




Q. Now, sir, there’s been a lot of talk with Dr. Roberts. Did you invent voltage source means?


A. No.


Q. Did you invent the rectifier?


A. No.


從發(fā)明人的角度看, voltage source means是現有的技術。




The district court cited testimony from an expert for Lighting Ballast, Dr. Victor Roberts, and the inventor, Andrzej Bobel, both of whom testified that one of skill in the art would understand the claimed “voltage source means” to correspond to a rectifier, which converts alternating current (“AC”) to direct current (“DC”), or other structure capable of supplying useable voltage to the device. Thus, the district court conclude that the term “voltage source means” had sufficient structure to avoid the strictures of § 112.6.




The district court went on to note that the language following “voltage source means” in the claim—“providing a constant or variable magnitude DC voltage between the DC input terminals”—“when read by one familiar with the use and function of a lighting ballast, such as the one disclosed by the 529 Patent, [sic] would understand a rectifier is, at least in common uses, the only structure that would provide a constant or variable magnitude DC voltage”. CAFC還認為,專家證人Dr. Roberts 解釋”the voltage source means” limitation suggests to him a sufficient structure, or class of structures, namely a rectifier if converting AC from a “power line source” to DC for a “DC supply voltage” or a battery if providing the DC supply voltage directly to the DC input terminals. This expert testimony supports a conclusion that the limitations convey a defined structure to one of ordinary skill in the art.


2. control means的認定:


首先,在claim construction的過程中,雙方都認為“control means”適用§ 112.6;


然后,法院解釋了權利要求1中的“control means”具有如下兩個功能:


(1)control means


(a)capable of receiving a control signal from the DC input terminals and;


(b)operable to effectively initiate oscillations, and;


(2)control means


(a)capable of receiving a control signal from the resonant converter, and;


(b)operable to effectively stop the oscillations.


最后,法院解釋了corresponding structure for the “control means” requirement. 法院認為,the patent describes a series of discrete electrical components arrayed in a specific configuration to form three series current paths to fulfill the function of starting and stopping the oscillations of the resonant converter (see column 3, line 59 through column 4, line 21). 即,專利中描述了一系列分立電子元件以具體的設計方式形成三個電流通道,從而實現了初始化及停止諧振變化器的振蕩。


二、如何認定被控侵權產品具有權利要求1中的特征“control means capable of ……


首先,對于means-plus-function claim term,如何認定字面侵權:


“For a means-plus-function claim term, the term literally covers an accused device if the relevant structure in the accused device performs the identical function recited in the claim and that structure is identical to or equivalent to the corresponding structure in the specification”. Intellectual Science &Tech., Inc. v. Sony Elecs., Inc., 589 F.3d 1179,1183.


“an equivalent structure under § 112. 6 must have been available at the time of the issuance of the claim, whereas the doctrine of equivalents can capture after-arising technology developed after the issuance of the patent”. Al-Site Corp., 174F.3d at 1320


如上,對于means-plus-function claim term,在判定字面侵權時,滿足如下三點:




2、被控侵權產品實現了與權利要求中MPF term相同的功能(performs the identical function recited in the claim);


3、被控侵權產品具有專利實施例中相同的結構或者相等同的結構(structure is identical to or equivalent to the corresponding structure in the specification)


其次,我們來看原告如何證明被控侵權產品具有control means的功能以及相應的結構:


當當當……,證人Dr. Roberts出場:


Dr. Roberts認為權利要求1中的“control means”為529專利實施例中control circuit 58。Dr. Roberts首先解釋了control circuit 58的結構和功能;


接著,Dr. Roberts論證了被控侵權產品的IC以及周邊分立元件為具有control means的兩個功能,Dr. Roberts進一步解釋了被控侵權產品如何實現這兩個功能“The signal flows down through these resistors[,] through these discrete transistors and eventually over the integrated circuit only into a pin labeled EN2 [,] which enables oscillations.”


最后,Dr. Roberts證明了早在1980年IC就有應用在ballast上了,Dr. Roberts進一步證明了“anybody skilled in the art would have been aware of integrated circuits in 1993”。


結論:法院基于專家證人Dr. Roberts的證明以及證言,認為已經有足夠的證據證明應用在ballasts的IC在專利授權之時就已經存在了,而且IC的功能和結構具有control means的功能和結構,CAFC支持了地區(qū)法院的觀點。


三、對于means-plus-function (簡稱:MPF) 權利要求,在侵權判定中如何認定字面侵權以及等同侵權?




前提:我們把這個問題限定在權利要求中具有MPF term的情形下,并且被控侵權產品的其他特征與權利要求一致。


1、適用35 U.S.C. § 112. 6,構成字面侵權的情形:


被控侵權產品的功能具有與MPF權利要求相同的功能,并且,被控侵權產品的結構具有與專利實施例中MPF term相同或者相等同的結構,并且,被控侵權產品的結構在專利申請日/授權日之前可獲得。


2、適用35 U.S.C. § 112. 6,構成等同侵權的情形:




被控侵權產品的功能具有與MPF權利要求的功能相等同,并且,被控侵權產品的結構落入了與專利實施例中MPF term相同或者相等同的結構的等同結構范圍內(注意:在適用112.6判定等同侵權時,是可以基于專利實施例中MPF term相同或等同的結構,再等同一次,擴大了MPF term structure的解釋范圍)。


如下圖,可以看出,在適用35 U.S.C. § 112. 6,構成等同侵權的情形中:


對權利要求中的MPF term功能做了擴大,基本相同的功能:


華為專利觀察 | Means-Plus-Function兩種截然不同認定以及侵權判定的認定標準


如下圖,對權利要求中MPF term實施例中描述的結構也做了一次擴大,基本相同的結構:


華為專利觀察 | Means-Plus-Function兩種截然不同認定以及侵權判定的認定標準








來源:IPRdaily 作者:王國平 (華為公司知識產權部) 編輯:周海峰 IPRdaily


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本文來自于iprdaily,永久保存地址為http://jupyterflow.com/article_9903.html,發(fā)布時間為2015-08-24 11:36:09。


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